Weird Science Jokes to Tickle Your Funny Bone
What color is a burp? Burple. Give your readers more jokes, limericks, riddles, tongue twisters, and fun facts about different science topics. They can also create their own funny board game.
* Reviews *
Looking for jokes about the planets or the weather? This entry in the Funny Bone Jokes series offers riddles, knock-knock jokes, limericks, tongue twisters, fun facts, and more about science topics. Chapters cover animals; plants; insects; habitats; the weather; outer space; solids, liquids, and gases; the five senses; reduce, reuse, recycle; inventions and discoveries. At the end, there are instructions for making your own funny board game, along with a bibliography, listing four books and two web sites, and an index. Children are likely to enjoy the jokes, which run to corny but beloved chestnuts like What runs but never walks? A river, and will certainly giggle over the illustrated limerick about farts. It is not clear why these are weird science jokes. The weak point is the clip art illustrations, which are all in dull shades of gray on a grayish background: the cartoon drawings and occasional small photos themselves are nothing special, and the lack of color does not help. Still, if public and school libraries find themselves in need of more themed joke collections, this may be worth considering. Other titles in the series include Animal Jokes, Food Jokes, Gross Body Jokes, Ha-Ha Holiday Jokes, and Sports Jokes., Children's Literature
3--5 IL
3-5 GRL