In 1610, Galileo was the first person to observe Saturn through a telescope, and he was amazed to find what he called "cup handles" around the planet. Fifty years would pass before these cup handles were correctly identified by a Dutch astronomer, Christiaan Huygens, as rings. Saturn, the most distant of the planets known to the ancients, is examined in this book by Stephen Feinstein. Included is information about current and future missions to study the planet described by NASA as "the most varied natural laboratory within our reach."
* Reviews *
The Solar System is a series of books published as part of the MyReportLinks.com books. Each title covers one member of the solar system (e.g., Mercury). The MyReportLinks.com books not only give information on a particular subject, but also use the printed books to direct the reader to the MyReportLnk.com Web site, which has links to resources on the subject. The publisher states that the books will "provide access to the Report Links that back up this book and will keep these Report Links up to date on www.myreportlinks.com for five years from the book's first publication date" (p. 2).