Mummy Secrets Uncovered
How does a dead body become a mummy? Can you see a woman's tattoos after she has been buried for 2,500 years? Can we find out what games a young king played 3,000 years ago by searching his tomb? When scientists uncover a mummy buried in the snow or in a tomb in Egypt, it is amazing what information can be revealed. This book unlocks the secrets of mummies and explores how they were preserved and what we can learn about their ancient cultures.
* Reviews *
Young scientists investigate the process of mummification and preservation methods through the ages. In chapter two, about King Tut, descriptive words capture the unique way Egyptians sent their dead to the afterlife: the only remaining organ was the heart, while the other organs were preserved outside the body. A glacier froze the Ice Man and Ice Maiden, while a volcano preserved the town of Pompeii. The book appears to be a simple picture book, but each topic becomes more complex, using long and drawn-out sentences to provide accurate and descriptive information that encourage readers to discover more on their own. Amazing photographs with colorful captions allow for a brief break from the daunting text, though unfortunately they only appear randomly throughout the book. Generally in science books vocabulary words are boldfaced and defined in the regular text and then redefined in the glossary. The Bizarre Science series does not distinguish these words, so readers do not know when a word is defined in the glossary., Children's Literature