Geometry Word Problems
Veteran math author Rebecca Wingard-Nelson teaches students how to conquer tricky geometry word problems using examples from a teen's modern life. Word problems don't have to be a problem. Free downloadable worksheets are available for this book on www.enslow.com.
* Reviews *
Based on the premise that daily living involves solving math problems, this book begins with some tips for dealing with word problems. Four problem-solving steps with appropriate examples follow: (1) Understand the problem, (2) Make a plan, (3) Follow the plan, and (4) Review. Part of the Review Step includes checking to make sure the answer makes sense. Two-page spreads feature 26 word problems. Basic principles of geometry are described and illustrated as part of each solution. Some of the topics include lines, rays and angles, polygons, perimeter, quadrilaterals, triangles, angle sums, the Pythagorean Theorem, areas, pi and circumference, and volume. Each section features photographs of attractive, clean-cut teenagers from a variety of ethnic groups. Contains a bibliography with books and Internet addresses as well as an index. Free worksheets are available at the Enslow website. This book could be a valuable resource for home schooled students or for young people wanting to improve their math skills through independent study or with the help of a tutor. Part of the Math Busters Word Problems series., Children's Literature
5-6 IL
5-12+ GRL