Many historians credit Galileo as the "founder of modern experimental science." But his life was not easy. His outspoken beliefs and discoveries earned him many enemies. The Roman Catholic Church disagreed with Galileo regarding Earth's position in the universe. The Church punished him and he spent the rest of his life under house arrest. This book is the perfect introduction to the life and work of this amazing scientist.
* Reviews *
Science Series for Every Library. Each of the titles in this series profiles a pioneer in the field of science, outlining his or her life and scientific career while giving the reader an understanding of their work. The contributions of each individual to their respective fields are examined, as is their historical legacy and impact on the modern world. Illustrations and simple activities are included throughout the series. Books include chapter notes, a glossary, Internet addresses, a chronology, color photos and illustrations, maps, and an index., Science Books & Films September 2010