Far-Out Guide to Mars
Earth's neighbor Mars likely once had an environment that could have supported life. Now it has underground frozen water in many places. Spacecraft from Earth have visited Mars and taught us a lot about this dusty red planet. Featuring a center spread with fast facts, this book tells readers about the missions, the scientists who plan them, and more far-out facts about the fourth planet from the Sun.
* Reviews *
These books pack a lot of current information into a few pages. Starting with ideas on the beginnings of the various heavenly bodies, they move to what we already know and then on to future exploration. Color illustrations abound, and each title includes quick facts. There seems to be a resurgence of interest in space exploration, so books on that topic are likely to be popular. Sentence length is fairly short, making for easy reading. Most students will be able to read one of these books in a night or two. Bibliography. Glossary. Websites. Index., Library Media Connection August/September 2011