A Guys' Guide to Love; A Girls' Guide to Love
The emotion called love can make your head spin. That's okay, but sometimes it can make you feel confused. Can a guy tell when it's time to give his girlfriend some space? Can a girl figure out whether a secret crush might turn into something more? Sounds like your readers could use a cool, reversible book that's full of teen-friendly advice and straightforward explanations. They can then flip the book to get a better idea of how guys and girls handle the joys and struggles of this huge emotion.
* Reviews *
Flip-It-Over Guides to Teen Emotions series. Using a gimmicky flip-the-book format (one half specific to girls, the other to boys), these books explore common issues faced by teens. The authors provide helpful tips and strategies for young adults, but they're too often couched in language or invented situations, illustrated with awkwardly staged photos, that teens won't buy. Quizzes, sidebars, and quotations add interest. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Spring 2009