Bruce Hale
Bruce Hale is the much-loved author of the Chet Gecko mysteries, including such titles as Farewell, My Lunchbox, and This Gum for Hire. Michelle Parker-Rock interviewed Hale, and in this biography, she tells all about Hale's childhood, his experience with live geckos, and how he became a writer. Readers will also learn about how Hale works and what advice he has for kids who want to be writers, too.
* Reviews *
These attractive books are based on personal interviews with the featured writers. The frequent use of direct quotes makes the texts particularly enjoyable. They also give readers a look into the individuals family, friends, and writing experiences. Kids will be fascinated with Adas childhood home in Cuba; Hales hat collection and love of surfing; and Fleischmans passion for magic. Each book has a color picture of the writer sitting at his/her desk. In addition, there are black-and-white and color photos of them at different ages. Well written, interesting, and useful for reports, these biographies are solid choices., School Library Journal November 2008