
Although scientists increasingly can measure warning signs including tremors and other changes in the land, predicting when volcanoes will erupt is far from certain. This reluctant reader book explains why volcanoes remain dangerous natural disasters. This book explores the formation of volcanoes, what causes them to erupt, the different types of volcanoes, and how scientists study them.

* Reviews *

Part of The Science of Natural Disasters series, this book explores volcanoes, which are endlessly fascinating. They may be quiet and docile for centuries, or they may spew smoke and ash constantly. Either way, volcanoes are outside of humankinds control. We cannot get them to erupt less or more. They simply are. What we can do, the authors explain, is learn more about them to begin to predict when the eruptions will happen. The authors walk readers through the basic geology of volcanoes before getting into what happens when the volcano erupts. Have you ever shaken a can or bottle of soda before opening it? Like the magma under Earths surface, soda is a mixture of liquid and gas under pressure. When you open the soda container, the pressure on the gas (carbon dioxide) drops suddenly; the gas expands rapidly, and bubbly soda explodes out, all over everything. That is a lot like what happens when a volcano erupts. Other chapters address what happens when volcanoes erupt underwater and how to stay safe near volcanoes. The writing is clear and accessible to middle elementary students, and the photos give dramatic images of what happens during an eruption. Backmatter includes chapter notes, a glossary, lists of more resources, and an index., Children's Literature
Product type: Library Bound Book
ISBN: 978-0-7660-2972-9
Author: Alvin Silverstein
Copyright: 2010
Reading Level: Grades 5-7
Interest Level: Grades 5-9
Dewey: 551.21
Pages: 48
Dimensions: 6 1/2" x 9 1/4"