Pioneering Women
A six shooter makes all men and women equal. Agnes Morley not only coined this phrase, but also backed it up by carrying a gun. While many women in the Wild West did not carry a gun, Morley's quote represented the brave spirit of all pioneering women. Early expeditions to the unexplored West included women, such as Sacagawea, who helped Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific. As Americans settled the West, women took on important roles as ranchers, teachers, homesteaders, miners, outlaws, and reformers. From Calamity Jane to Carry Nation, author Jeff Savage examines the amazing women pioneers of the Wild West.
* Reviews *
True Tales of the Wild West series. Six slim volumes contain some history but are composed mostly of brief biographical sketches of famous and not-so-famous western figures. The books strive to include subjects from a variety of cultural backgrounds, but the information is skimpy and the presentation formulaic. Illustrated with black-and-white photographs and reproductions, these editions (new series title and book titles) have strikingly dated-looking covers. Websites. Bib., glos., ind., The Horn Book Guide Fall 2012