Molly the Great Respects the Flag
Superheroes are always good citizens...or are they? When Molly dons her clever crown and Ben ties on his courageous cape, this duo can accomplish anything. However, even superheroes must sometimes be reminded to show good citizenship. Readers follow Molly through a daring adventure in becoming a better citizen.
* Reviews *
Although Disrespects the Flag wouldve made for a more enticing title, this tidy little volume in the Character Education with Super Ben and Molly the Great series manages to be both warm and educational. Done in a picture-book style that might get it shelved under fiction in many libraries, it is the story of Molly, a cute little bunny whos hopping mad following her friend Candys appointment to hold the flag in the Fourth of July parade. Only her mothers cajoling gets Molly to even show up. OK, says Molly. But I will not smile. What she does do, though, is offer to Candy (and the readers) the sort of unintuitive flag-handling tips that are good to knowdont put stickers on it, dont let it touch the ground, and so oneven if the reasons behind these pointers go mostly unexplained. The soft watercolors and effusive emotions (You are a flag hero!) give this a comforting, old-fashioned feel. Other titles in the series take on promptness, courage, honesty, and more., Booklist posted August 30, 2010
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